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14 visite totali, 1 visite odierne
[26 giugno]

Una nutrita delegazione italiana è già ad Atene per partecipare al Forum “L’euro è il problema, l’uscita la soluzione”. Qui sotto la versione definitiva del programma dei lavori. Ricordiamo che il Forum si svolge presso la Athens School of Fine Arts, zona Pireo, Via Ag. Ioannis Rentis 182 — Metro: Linea 1- Fermata: Kallithea.

Sfidando la stanchezza i compagni cercheranno di inviare ogni sera un resoconto sull’andamento del Forum che pubblicheremo subito.
Cogliamo, l’occasione per segnalarvi il sito internazionale ed il manifesto sulla cui base diversi movimenti popolari e di sinistra europei hanno promosso il Forum stesso, ed 
Program of the Forum
Friday 17.00 – 19.15 workshops
  1. From economic to political crisis. The examples of Italy and Spain
Enea Boria, Movement ORA, Italy
Giannis Kibouropoulos, journalist, Greece
Manolo Moreneo, Frente Civico “Somos Mayoria”, Spain,
  1. The conflict in Ukraine and the geopolitics of the European Union and NATO
Kostas Gousis, Solidarity campaign with the Antifascist Resistance in Ukraine, Greece
Mariia Muratova, Borotba, Ukraine
Petros Papakonstantinou, writer-journalist, Greece
  1. The workers’ and popular resistance against neoliberal policies in the EU
Giorgio Cremaschi, ex president of FIOM (Federazione Impiegati Operai Metallurgici), Italy
Benoit Martin, CGT Orange (Confédération Générale du Travail), France
Antonis Dalakogeorgos, general secretary of Piraeus Labor Center, president of Panhellenic Union of Merchant Navy Sailors, Greece
Christos Panagiotopoulos, Initiative for a Class independent Labor Movement, Greece
  1. France: The impasse of the Left, the rise of the Far-Right and how to avoid it
Michèle Dessenne, M’ PEP (Mouvement Politique d’ Émancipation Populaire), France
Giorgos Mitralias, Contra-xreos initiative, Greece
Joël Perichaud, M’PEP (Mouvement Politique d’ Émancipation Populaire), France
Friday 19.30 – 22.30 Plenary
Is the EU our common home? Lessons from the “Greek experiment” about crisis, debt, Eurozone and EU 
Sergio Cesaratto, economist, Italy
Inge Höger MP, Die Linke,Germany,
Stathis Kouvelakis, dr, King’s Kollege, member of Central Committee of SYRIZA, Greece
Giorgos Melissaropoulos, MARS (Frontal Left Alignment), Greece
Jacques Nikonoff, M’PEP (Mouvement Politique d’ Émancipation Populaire), France
Saturday 10:30 a.m. – 13.30 plenary
EU and conflicts in Middle East. Roots and effects
Ali Fayyad, MP, Hezbollah, Lebanon
Apostolos Fotiadis, researcher on EU and immigrants, Greece
Moreno Pasquinelli, Campo Antiimperialista, Italy
Saturday 17.00 – 19.15 workshops
  1. The growth of reactionary populism and neo-fascism in Europe.
Dimitris Patelis, MARS (Frontal Left Alignment) , Greece
Joel Perichaud, M’PEP (Mouvement Politique d’ Émancipation Populaire), France
Giorgos Sapounas, member of Central Committee of SYRIZA, Greece
Victor Shapinov, Borotba, Ukraine
  1. Mediterranean ALBA is an alternative to EU?
Sergio Cararo,ROSSA, Italy
Dimitris Kaltsonis, as. professor of theory of state and law, Panteion University, D. kordatos Society, Greece
Pedro Montes, economist, Asociación político cultural “Socialismo 21”, Spain
  1. EU and left governance: the need for a strategy of ruptures
Dimitris Belantis, member of Central Committee of SYRIZA, Greece
Kostas Markou, member of Central Coordination Committee of ANTARSYA, Greece,
Jacques Nikonoff, M’PEP (Mouvement Politique d’ Émancipation Populaire), France
Panagiotis Sotiris, MARS (Frontal Left Alignment) , Greece
  1. Germany: the Euro as an instrument of a new imperialist policy of the ruling class
Said Gafurov, Journalist (the experience of 1998 Default in Russia)
Wilhelm Langthaler,Committee “EuroExit”, Austria
Kostas Papoulis, Sxedio B (Plan B), Greece
Thomas Zmrzly, Initiative .e.V. Duisburg, Germany
Saturday 19.30 – 22.30 Plenary
1. The Eurozone is the problem – exit is the solution. Policies and alliances for the Left
Stefano Fassina, MP, Democratic Party, Italy
Dimitris Mitropoulos, MARS (Frontal Left Alignment) , Greece
Manolo Moreneo, Frente Civico “Somos Mayoria” , Spain
Antonis Ntavanelos, member of Political Secretariat of SYRIZA, Greece
Angelos Xagios, member of Panhellenic Coordination Committee of ANTARSYA, Greece
Sunday 10.30 pm 14.30
General Assembly. How the anti-EU Forum will continue
18.00 Anti-EU demonstration
The main language in the Forum will be the Greek. 
Every speaker will speak in his language and will be interpreted in Greek.
  • Friday and Saturday night at 10.30 will be held in the area of the forum rock, hip-hop and Greek traditional concerts.

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